Breaking Barriers: Women Lawyers in TKI
Breaking Barriers: Women Lawyers in TKIThe legal profession in Japan has traditionally been a male-dominated field,...
Breaking Barriers: Women Lawyers in TKI
Breaking Barriers: Women Lawyers in TKIThe legal profession in Japan has traditionally been a male-dominated field,...
Announcement of the launch of the Japan Tax Practice
Tokyo International Law Office (TKI) is delighted to announce the launch of its Japan tax practice with the appointment...
Notice of Relocation
Notice of RelocationWe would like to thank you for your continued support.We are pleased to inform you that our...
New Year Greetings 2024
Happy New Year!We, Tokyo International Law Office would like to express our sincere gratitude for your ongoing support ...
New Year’s Greeting 2023
Happy New Year to you and yours.We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your ongoing support during the past...
New Year’s Greeting 2022
Happy New Year.We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your ongoing support during the past year.Looking...
UPDATE: Our response to COVID-19
Since March 25, following the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s announcement urging residents to stay indoors and work rem...
Our response to COVID-19
Following the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s announcement urging residents to stay indoors and work remotely if possibl...
Remote working and staggered working hours as a precautionary measure against coronavirus
As a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus, we are encouraging certain workers to work rem...
Tokyo International Law Office is established.
Today, we are very happy to announce that we establish Tokyo International Law Office to provide the best legal servic...